Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is coming =)

Christmas is coming.. only 2 days later.. haha..
how you spending your Christmas? partying? haha..
have you ever wonder what does Christmas really means? i did and i still do.. :)

So what is the real meaning of Christmas?

Christmas is a yearly reminder of how much God loves you and me.. the verse below summarises it all..

"God so love the world that He gave His Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life"
- John 3:16-

Christmas is the day Jesus was born.. He is the Son of God.. sent down to earth for the sake of each and everyone of us..

God is the Creator of all things on earth and in the universe.. and He wants to build a relationship with us.. how amazing is that.. We are His beloved and He loves as us as who we are.. so we can be who we are (even with our most darkest ugliest secrets) we can just share to Him and He understands.. Jesus also came down to identify with us and show us that with Him, nothing is impossible to overcome..

As Jesus was on the cross, He stretched out His arms as wide as the cross to tell us that He loves us that much, He loves us that much that it hurts, He loves us so much that He is willing to die for us so that He will not live without us.. and He resurrected to give us a new life, a life to the full.. so that we can live up to our fullest potential together with Him..

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
- John 10:10b-

God’s love for you and me is so great that no one can phantom how far would He go to reach to us and how long has He been pursuing us to have this loving and lasting relationship with Him..

So.. i wanna take this chance to thank God for loving me.. His love is so great, so deep, so long and so wide.. so so so touched by His love.. this relationship that i have with Him is something that i wouldn't want to let go or give up..

i'll continue to run the race with Him until the end of time..

thank You for reminding me about the love the people around have for me too.. my family, my friends, brothers and sisters-in-Christ, etc.. also because of You, i learned how to love..
even though i have my strengths and my potentials, i'm not perfect, still have my struggles.. so thanks to those who is so forgiving towards me as i am still growing.. growing to be more Christ like..

May this post bless your heart..
Merry Christmas!
Let Christmas really be CHRIST-mas..

ps: some of words were quoted from purpose driven life daily devotionals.. if you are interested to read can let me know..


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