Wednesday, January 20, 2010

busy december...

december 2009 was a busy one yet an enjoyable and unforgettable one.. :) that's why until now then blog about it.. lol..

Pics to speak the words..

first caroling session at suntec

my solo on amazing grace
so nervous..

performance on 24 dec
Christmas Eve

had a Christmas eve stayover at Darren's sis's place
tiring but fun..

goodies packed for old folks
(Boxing day)

playing games with the old folks at pacfic nursing home
hope they enjoyed themselves

group photo
thanks all for making it possible

visitor centre of hortpark
(28 dec)

a peaceful and fantastic view of hortpark

my emo shot at hortpark
nice rite? lol..

fireworks on new year's eve
very beautiful
should see it for yourself

my dear cg together with uncle ben and uncle david

thanks everyone who spent december together with me.. you all made it special..


Saturday, January 16, 2010


Can you tolerate......

  • a messy room?
  • a disorganised work or study table?
  • a flickering lightbulb in your room?
  • an overflowing dustdin in your house?
  • not bathing?

you know these are tell tale signs that you are capable or in fact already tolerating sins in your life?

how come?

it is the overflow of your behaviour into different aspects of your life

yes, you might say you acknowledge that you have sin in your life but other than acknowledging it, are you doing anything about it?

in the bible, God uses the removal of dirty clothings as a symbolic way of removing sins..

"3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. 4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes."
Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you.""

~Zechariah 3:3-4~

let us really do a check on ourselves regularly in ensuring that we are not tolerating sins in our life.. don't let it snowball.. rather we should acknowledge and deal with it together with God.. cos in tolerating it, you are the one who is ultimately gonna suffer the consequences and you will also end up hurting the people around you..

"19Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,"

~Acts 3:19~

Examine your life in totality...


Friday, January 15, 2010






悲惨 一个人该怎么办




然而将灯关上 一片无

我想我没那么坚强 每个女孩其实一样
渴望着爱情的好 渴望被拥抱


小心将情绪收藏 比傻瓜还傻
刺猬的坚强全都是假象 哭吧

对这首歌很有感觉。。 像是刺猬般的防范,伪装勇敢。。小心将情绪收藏..自以为坦然。。没有人关心也无所谓。。 其实渴望关爱,却害怕受伤。。没有那么坚强,只是一再的逞强。。 刺猬的坚强全都是假象。。 是该把它脱下了。。好好的爱自己。。



Thursday, January 14, 2010

just enough...

Trust in God's hands

Trust that you are fearfully and wonderfully made

you have what it takes to fulfill what you have been called to do


see yourself through the eyes of God

be who He sees and created you to be

not too little yet not too much

fill the SHAPE that God has created for you

stop trying to be someone else

painful for you and hurting for God

Be who you are meant to be...


Thursday, January 7, 2010

a fine afternoon...

spend a fine wednesday afternoon at a paradise in walkable distance from my house.. but i only discovered it when my friend brought me there for afternoon tea..

Pics to tempt you, lol..

Brownie with homemake ice cream
the brownie melts in the mouth

the tea set that i drank from
so nice eh

Cleopatra's champagne is the tea i drank
chamomile, rose and lavender

you can check out this website - - for the paradise that i went to..



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

YG A1...

Presenting to you my dear and current cg: YG A1

do try to spot darren.. lol..

this is a new year card that my CL (Justin Choo) made for the cg.. so nice rite? lol.. that's the good thing in having a photographer cum animator as your CL.. by the way, it isn't on purpose that Darren's photo is so small, just an accident.. but he is too outstanding to be missed.. LOL..

Folks of YG A1, Jia You!! let's continue to spur each other on and grow together..


Friday, January 1, 2010

a brand new year with brand new resolutions...

My New Year Resolution list for 2010..

hopefully i can fulfill all of them or to say most of them.. lol..

1) Live a healthy lifestyle and hopefully lose some weight
(hope to inspire people around me to do so too)

2) Be a positive influence to the people around me
(in terms of attitudes, actions and behaviours)

3) Bring my parents closer to God and family closer to one another

4) Get to know God even more initmately
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
~1 Corinthians 2:2~

5) Get a job that i am passionate to do and bring glory to God through my work

6) Finish reading the Chinese Bible and be able to understand and possibly share Christ in Chinese

let's help one another to fulfill our new year resolution for 2010..

Hope it will be a wonderful and fruitful year ahead for all..
