Friday, April 17, 2009


received an expected call on Wednesday night.. a call from the father of a tuition student that i thought i have lost.. why i say that? cos actually Sandy, a sister, recommended a chemistry tuition to me.. the father called me last year to talk to me about the tuition.. as they stayed at Tampines which is rather far from my house so i wanted to meet at the more central place.. but i guess his son wasn't willing to meet at a more central place for tuition.. so the deal was off.. then recently i heard from Sandy again that they seems to be desperate to find a tutor cos the son is really not doing well.. yet i haven't receive any call from them.. until Wednesday night.. the tuition lobang came through.. will be starting tuition next Sunday afternoon.. and the bonus thing is.. they will be coming to my house for tuition.. lol.. a great blessing indeed.. haha..

as i was thanking God for this blessing.. i was thinking.. actually i should thank Him for this long break that i am having.. not because i have time to slack.. but for the lesson of learning how to manage my time or life well when i am given too much time.. usually people talk about managing time better in terms of when you are very busy and you need to make full use of their time to get most of the things done.. seldom people will think about managing their time when they are very free.. yet when you have too much time.. there is a tendency for you to waste it away.. and it happened to me.. lol.. which i am still trying to find a way to not waste my time away.. not in the sense of just trying to find things to fill my time.. but rather how to use it effectively.. chim eh.. lol.. i am still trying to understand and learn.. =)

Thank God for whatever that has happened during this period of time.. blessings, learnings, re-enforcings, healings, etc..

Being a better steward of my time


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