Monday, November 16, 2009


are we like Adam and Eve?

focusing on that one tree that they are not supposed to eat from that they jolly well forgotten about the other trees in the garden of Eden that they have been given?

just as they are,

are we focusing on the things that we don't have and forgotten about the things we already have?


to be frank, i did.. when i was so obsessed with the idea that why i still can't find a job.. why life must be the way it is.. then i was woken up by God.. He ask me to look at the rearview mirror to see what happened during this period of time and to also understand how blessed i am with what i already have been given.. there are so many things that could not have been done.. and so many experiences that i have with the Lord.. would not have been compromised or not even happened if i got what i asked for.. the only thing i can say is that God is amazing.. and He is worthy of my praise..

so what is the cure for it?

learn to give thanks even for the smallest blessings, things that you take for granted (an example is to wake up alive) and in all circumstances

learn also to be contented

who can we learn all the above from?

  • He has never complained that He came down to earth to go through what He went through when He could have just stayed in Heaven and enjoy the adoration and riches that He has
  • He also never complained about the kind of family background that He was born into


"12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. "

~Philippians 4:12~

Always give thanks with a grateful heart..


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